Commercial Valuation
RICS Registered Valuers providing comprehensive and accurate Valuation Services to commercial Clients…
Commercial Valuation
A Commercial Valuation is a professional assessment of the Market Value/ Market Rent of any non-residential premises/ building at a point in time. It involves a detailed inspection of the premises by an RICS Registered Valuer who will obtain the necessary information to determine and apply an appropriate valuation technique to arrive at an opinion of Market Value, following appropriate desk-based research.
Our Commercial Valuation Report is a comprehensive and accurate document prepared by an RICS Registered Valuer conforming rigidly to the mandatory standards, rules, and guidance of the RICS Valuation - Global Standards (‘Red Book Global Standards’) which encompasses the requirements of the International Valuations Standards (IVS).
A typical Commercial Valuation Report contents include:
A description of the premises and its location
A statement of floor area prepared in accordance with the RICS Code of Measuring Practice and dependant on the type of premises being valued.
Detail on the accommodation of the premises.
A brief description of the condition of the premises.
Detail on tenure and occupation.
A Reinstatement Valuation for insurance purposes.
An assessment of Market Value and/or Market Rent.
We provide Commercial Valuation Services suitable for a variety of purposes including:
Loan security
Local Authority Rating