Commercial Building Surveying
Providing a comprehensive range of Commercial Building Surveying Services covering all asset types …
Schedule of
A Schedule of Dilapidations is prepared on commercial premises to identify and detail matters of disrepair which require to be remedied either during the course of the lease or at termination, as specified within the repairing covenant. We can offer an inspection and reporting service to both Landlords and Tenants where the items of non-compliance are identified and recorded.
A Schedule of Dilapidations is a core componant of effective asset management used by the Landlord to ensure satisfactory term maintenacne and yielding-up.
Dilapidations Schedules may also be commissioned by the Tenant as a counter-measure to challenge or negotiate the extent of a Dilapidations Claim or the validitity of claimed Dilapidations, as furnished by the Landlord.
Kennedy & Associates provide a Dilapidations service including Interim Schedules (furnished during the course of the lease) and Terminal Schedules (furnished at the end of a lease). We can also negotiate on behalf of the Landlord / Tenant in agreeing settlement of claims which may oterwise result in litigation. We provide an oversight service to the Landlord where the tenant undertakes yielding-up works themselves.
Schedule of Condition
A schedule of condition is a written record of the condition of a premises at a point in time, augmented by photographic evidence. It is used as “proof” of condition should a dispute occur and is suitable in the following circumstances:
Pre-lease Acquisition - A Schedule of Condition perfomed at the start of the lease commencement / prior to commencement to establish the condition of the premises and to ensure the obligation to repair is not inequitably enforced at interim or terminal dilapidation claim stage.
Pre-works - Prior to the commencement of works to the premises or to an adjoining property, a Schedule of Condition is produced to record current condition and act as a baseline document to identify additional defects caused by the works.
Building Survey
A Building Survey is a comprehensive inspection of a property for the purpose of identifying the construction method/ materials, establishing their condition and advising on any remedial repair works required.
A Building Survey is suitable in a pre-purchase scenario and forms part of normal due-diligence, being commissioned by the prospective purchaser. We possess expert knowledge of the construction of commercial buildings and provide a Building Survey Service for office, retail, and industrial/ warehouse premises.
A typical Building Survey involves inspection by one of our Chartered Surveyors, the production of an associated written Report (with photographic record) and can include details of:
The type of construction and materials used.
The condition of the main elements and materials.
Significant defects and minor defects/ maintenance matters.
Recommendations in relation to remedying defects.
Recommendations relating to upgrading specific elements or the building as a whole.
Augmenting the standard industry Building Survey service, we also provide a full Technical Due Diligence service whereby we will liase with your legal advisor and assess appropriate technical documentation relevant to our competencies as Building Surveyors. This assists our Clients by ensuring the adequacy and accuracy of Vendor provided building related documentation so there is no potential for future query regarding items such as compliance certification or mapped data.
Defect Analysis
A Defect Analysis Survey is a focussed assessment of a particular building defect.
It includes an inspection of the defect in question with the aim of advising on the severity of the defect, the cause, and recommending a solution to the issue, often following a secondary invasive inspection to ensure accurate diagnosis.
Early diagnosis and repair of building defects is essential to effective asset management.
If you are a building owner, facility manager, manageing agent or tenant and are concerned about a potential defect we can assist by providing a Defect Analysis Report.
Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM)
Planned Preventative Maintenance involves identifying key building elements, scheduling appropriate maintenance and revising maintenance schedules to meet the real-time need.
Correct building element maintenance is proven to increase the longevity of the building as a whole, extend the life cycle of each applicable building element, and decrease future reactive repair/ replacement costs; while also increasing replacement intervals.
PPM data can be used to update existing life cycle costing and Building Information Modelling (BIM) or to create a new panned approach to managing the life cycle costs of a building/ element.
Kennedy & Associates provide a consultancy service including building inspection and the preparation of a full planned maintenance schedule for use by building owners, Owners Management Companies (OMC), Managing Agents, and Facility Managers, among others, who seek to proactively protect an asset.