Residential Building Surveying
Pre-Purchase Specialists. Providing a wide range of Building Surveying Services to residential purchasers and homeowners…
Building Survey
A Building Survey (also known as a Structural Survey) is a comprehensive inspection of a property for the purpose of identifying the construction method/ materials, establishing their condition and advising on any remedial repair works required.
A Building Survey is suitable for all house types, but particularly older properties; properties in poor condition; Protected Structures; buildings constructed in an unusual way, however old they are; properties you plan to renovate or alter in any way; or properties that have had extensive alterations..
A typical Building Survey involves an inspection by one of our Chartered Surveyors, the production of an associated written Report, and includes details of:
The type of construction and materials used.
The condition of the main elements and materials.
Significant defects and minor defects/ maintenance matters.
Recommendations in relation to remedying defects.
Recommendations relating to upgrading specific elements or the building as a whole.
Also need a Mortgage Valuation? We are RICS Registered Valuers and approved Panel Valuers for all major Irish lending institutions. Contact us now to discuss a combined Mortgage Valuation & Building Survey package.
Snag List
A Snag List is typically carried out on new build properties and consists of inspecting and reporting on any issues of poor finishing, structural issues apparent on visual inspection, highlighting any Building Regulation compliance issues apparent and any other shortcomings/defects present.
Snag lists are generally carried out at practical completion stage, or when advised by your Builder.
The Snag List Report is then furnished upon the Developer with a view to rectification of the issues raised.
Kennedy and Associates can also re-inspect the property on completion of snagging items to confirm works have been carried out to a satisfactory standard.
Also need a Mortgage Valuation? We are RICS Registered Valuers and approved Panel Valuers for all major Irish lending institutions. Contact us now to discuss a combined Mortgage Valuation & Snag List package.
Defect Analysis
A Defect Analysis Survey is a focussed assessment of a particular building defect.
It includes an inspection of the defect in question with the aim of advising on the severity of the defect, the cause, and recommending a solution to the issue, often following a secondary invasive inspection to ensure accurate diagnosis.
Whether it be a house or commercial premises, if you are concerned about a potential defect we can assist by providing a Defect Analysis Report.
Compliance Certification
Building Regulations | Planning Permission | Planning Exemption
We offer Clients a wide range of certification and professional opinion services.
Certification can be carried out for new build properties and extensions to existing properties and can assist in proving good title prior to sale.
The service consists of inspecting the development, recording relevant details, assessment and application of Planning / Building regulations, and preparation of an opinion regarding compliance or otherwise.
Certificates & Opinions are prepared by a Registered Building Surveyor.
Land Registry Compliant Mapping
We provide our Clients with a mapping service in which we will carry out a boundary survey and prepare a Land Registry Compliant Map which can be used to facilitate the transfer of residential property. It is currently a requirement that all property is registered with the Land Registry.
This service is suitable for houses, apartments and land, for first registration purposes.
Schedule of Condition
A schedule of condition is a written record of the condition of a property at a point in time, augmented by photographic evidence. It is used as “proof” of condition should dispute ever arise and is suitable for residential property where works are planned to the building or adjoining buildings.
Prior to the commencement of works at the property or to an adjoining property, a Schedule of Condition is produced to record existing condition and act as a baseline document used to identify new defects arising after commencement of the works.